From the First to the Last - Time to Say Goodbye

Celebrating our one-year anniversary seemed like a good place to revisit our commitment to writing this blog and we decided the time has come to say goodbye.  We wanted to stop before it became something we no longer wanted to do, and the changes that have happened in our lives in the last year or so have just been great - but which leave little time for either watching movies or writing about them.

So, some thank yous and winners:
Wednesdays movie mashups - thanks so much to everyone who participated for the past few years - I have done 131 movie mashups, some good, some less so, and I so appreciate the people who would guess each week, but I'll declare Ryan from The Matinee the winner. So go check out his site and see what a smart guy he is.

Saturdays Triple Feature - we've had a lot of participants in the past year, and you're all better at it than I am - I mostly guessed wrong when I did know it.  But Nick did a great job playing, even from Korea!

And for bringing us into a great blogging group of people and introducing us to so many terrific bloggers, I want to thank Dylan, formerly from Blog Cabins but now running Man, I love Films, was the founder of the Lamb, and Rachel and I were among the first 50 members (now over 1000).

We won't stop watching movies, and hopefully we'll have a little more time to read what you all think of the movies, so keep looking for us on your site and on twitter (@in_entertain and @mrsthuro) and Letterboxd for some reviews of what we might have seen on occasion.  Thank you so much to everyone who has read this blog, listened to the podcast or commented on anything, we so appreciate your support from the beginning.

Finally, thank you to Rachel for being a friend and partner through this process - from the first tentative episode of Reel Insight podcast back in 2010, through 100 episodes (though we just got back to the same actor, funny).  I couldn't have asked for a funnier, more motivated, extraordinary writer to do so much of the work.  Thank you.   


  1. Awww... I was wondering if something like this was happening when Rachel made her solo Twitter account! I'll definitely miss the site. Y'all know I've visited regularly, even back when you had separate blogs. And I know it's not *totally* goodbye, but I want to also thank both of you for your memorable appearances on The Vlog, and I'm glad I got to meet both of you in person.

    Hope to see y'all around the net!

    1. Thanks for always supporting us, Nick!

    2. Thanks Nick - it's been quite a ride - I'm still pissed that Rachel killed me. Witch!

    3. Well, if it makes you feel better, she WAS eaten alive by a zombified Brad.

  2. Rachel and Jess, while I'm sad to see the site close down, I totally understand the reasons for it. Great job on the site and podcast, and I'll miss checking it out!

  3. What?! No. This can't happen. I will not allow it!

    1. Rachel - it sounds like Pat is volunteering to baby-sit!

    2. He seems to travel enough to make a random stop in LR!

  4. Very sad to see you go, especially as I'd only just got onto the leaderboards! I was determined to knock Nick from the top spot! All the best for whatever you do in the future ladies.

    1. Thanks, Jay! Though the site will no longer be, we are still around Twitter and Letterboxd, like Jess said. Can't really quit the movie blogging world cold turkey after all.

  5. Seriously sad news! But I do understand - I'm loving retirement (how many 17 year olds can say that?) See you around twitter and stuffs!

    1. Stevee, you were our inspiration - if a 17 year old superstar doesn't have time, it's okay that we don't have time either.

  6. Can't think of what to say. Makes me feel sad.

  7. NOOOOOO!!!. I just saw this and am sad to hear that your no longer going to be writing or doinfg new episodes of your show. I hope you will have a chance to be on The Lambcast or maybe on As You Watch. I wish both of you the best and I will get started on checking out your older episodes.

  8. Bummed to hear that you two are no longer working on the site. I always loved seeing what you both had to say and talking with you on various podcasts. Hopefully twitter and Letterboxd will keep the conversation going.


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