New Releases: 10/12/12

Today's batch of releases has me making some serious cinematic confessions...

Confession #1: I'm not a big fan of Ben Affleck as a director. I think I saw Gone Baby Gone too close to all the hype. It was good, but I didn't love it. I really didn't care for The Town and was thrilled when Winter's Bone snagged a Best Picture nom over it. So I'm not extremely hyped for Argo, but I've heard many good things (like from Jess) and the trailer looks pretty damn good. I might wait for dvd, but with all Affleck directed films, I'll check it out eventually.

Seven Psychopaths
Confession #2: I wasn't crazy about Martin McDonagh's first feature, In Bruges. I still have a bitter taste in my mouth about the deceptive marketing campaign that made it look like a straight up comedy. I know I need to give it another watch (especially when I hear others talk about how awesome it is), but I just haven't gotten there yet. From what I understand, Seven Psychopaths is the straight up comedy it's being marketed as, so I will gladly check out it.

Confession #3: When we saw the fun, action-packed, end-of-summer flick Premium Rush on a bright Saturday afternoon, I did not expect to first be exposed to a horror trailer that would keep me up for a couple nights. Since then, I've been to a few other screenings that previewed the Sinister trailer, and I simply had to look away, like a big baby. That evil spirit is just too freaky, especially when he "comes alive" on Hawke's computer screen. Oh, hell no. I may be a big fraidy cat, but at least I'll be getting my beauty sleep.

Here Comes the Boom
Confession #4: I just don't find Kevin James funny...oh wait, neither does anyone else. Nevermind.


  1. Seven Psychopaths is amazing. It just knocked Cabin in the Woods out of my #1 spot for the year thus far. (In Bruges is also one of my favorite movies, but this is *very* different from In Bruges.)

    1. That's pretty high praise, because the only thing I anticipate usurping CitW will be Django. But I'm up for giving siete psychos a fair chance the next time I can get to a theater.


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