Wednesdays Movie Mashup No. 25

Even after saying he was giving up, Nick needed only a small hint to get last week's clue.  It was tougher, with one being an older film, and the other not a whole new word.  Well done.
Last week's clue: A younger woman tries to steal the place of her mentor while a woman examines her romantic past and the current romantic lives of her daughters.Answer: All About Evening
Nick - 7Ryan  - 5Dan - 2Keith, Patrick, Liz, SDGDylan, David, AndrewWillRed - 1 

New Clue: A Boston police officer searches for a missing girl while stealing lots of cars to save his brother.

The goal is to figure out the two movies that overlap in some words creating a new movie described by the clue. Leave your answer in the comments. Good luck! 


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