Wednesdays Movie Mashup No. 21

It's easy to see that Rachel and I are easily influenced in our games by the movies we've been watching for up coming stars of the week.  Can you guess who next week might be?    Well done Red guessing last week's clue: In a town run by prostitutes with guns several men with hearts of gold attempt to save girls and a doctor saves kids living with lepers.
Answer: Sin City of Joy
Nick - 5
Ryan  - 4
Dan - 2

Keith, Patrick, Liz, SDGDylan, David, AndrewWill, Red - 1

New Clue:  Some rather slutty women talk about their lives and failed marriages while true love appears on a street corner with a flower.  

The goal is to figure out the two movies that overlap in some words creating a new movie described by the clue. Leave your answer in the comments. Good luck! 

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